Thursday, February 10, 2011

Post 2

After spending a week brainstorming and working toward a certain project I'm pleased to announce that progress has been made. I am a Hospitality Management and English major, and feel that the best way to incorprate these two emphases will be to host an event for underprivledged youth. I will use my Hospitality Management to arrange, and host an event while focusing on service as the most important priority that I'll undertake. I'll use English to bring to pass my ideas, by getting support from local organizations and companies from this area. Through letter writing, and speaking to businesses I will get support to execute this event. I originally had an idea to do a sports theme but after speaking to several non-profit organizations I know that I need to cater to the childrens needs, and when I decide upon a non-profit organization that will be sponsoring me for this event, I will know which needs I need to focus on.
I have chosen to do this event for the youth because I believe that their is nothing greater and more important than reaching out to the children and showing them that they matter, and that people care about them. Hopefully this experience will inspire, motivate, and make them happy.
I have spoken the organizations Grandkids, and Discovery House about sponsoring me for this event. I need a non-profit organization to work with so that those who donate to the cause, will be able to donate to a company and not an individual. I have arranged to speak with more non-profit organizations and will be deciding which group I will throw this event for next week.
I am interesting in knowing if anybody has a non-profit organization in mind that they feel could benefit from an event like this.
Please give me alot of feedback and ideas about how I could improve my project.

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